Welcome! Here you can read all about my songwriting quest. It follows my adventures in making and finding music that builds community and defies traditional music industry tenets. You can expect to find videos, photos, and musings about music that makes me smile, as well as insight about ways that musicians are skipping the middle men and singing right to the fans. Thanks for coming!


This is HARD!!

Ugh.  It's hard to learn the internets!  This whole week I've been trying to throw myself into everything web-related to try to figure out what I should be worrying about, and what I should ignore.

Analytics and Whatnot 
Google analytics is a tracker thing that you can add to your page.  It basically shows you how many people are looking at your pages, the average time spent on different pages, and how they found your site.  Kind of creepy-cool.  Maybe that's helpful.  I put it on a few sites so we'll see.  It makes my inner voyeur very happy.  This is the site to find it http://www.google.com/analytics/

But there's soooo much more.  I'm trying to figure out what search engine optimization (SEO) is compared to search engine marketing (SEM). Who needs it and why?  I'll write more about that once it makes sense to me!

I even went to a one-hour presentation at Apple yesterday to take an iWeb tutorial class.  It was pretty informative, if only that it gave me a good visual of the things I probably could have easily figured out myself.  You know what amazes me about Apple?  The crazy divide they create by making their stuff so easy and accessible.  I mean, I have to know very, very little to be able to create a website on iWeb and then publish it using their MobileMe thing.  I don't even have to know that code exists!  Awesome, but scary.  I want to know enough that I'm not completely lost when things inevitably aren't working right. But thank you, Apple, for making it easy because I doubt I'll ever be a code wizard--even though the hat and cape would be sooooo cool!!  

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